Background: Cumarú, Dipteryx odorata (Aubl) is a monospheric drupaceous pod with a fibrous and
edible pulp, typical of the Amazon region, with great phytotherapeutic power, stimulated the manufacture of cumarú syrup based on traditional popular knowledge. The manner in which this syrup is handled indicates the extent to which oxidative changes are presented, as well as the possibility of contamination by bacteria, fungi and yeast. The objective of this work was to evaluate the microbiological quality of cumarú syrup commercialized in Macapá – Amapá’s public fairs.
Materials and Methods: In March 2019, three random samples of cumarú syrup were collected from three different markets, sold without refrigeration and sent to the Macapaense Institute of Higher Education Microscopy Laboratory. 1:10 dilution in peptone saline was performed. For the total mesophil count, 100 µL of the initial dilution was inoculated into plates containing PCA agar and Nutrient agar, incubated at 35 ± 1º C/48 hours. For mold and yeast, the inoculum was seeded on potato dextrose agar incubated at 25 ± 1º C/7 days. For Escherichia coli, MacConkey agar was used, for Staphylococcus aureus, mannitol salt agar and Salmonella, Salmonella-Shigella Agar, all incubated at 35 ± 1º C/48 hours.
Results: It was found from the label analysis that only one sample had a different formulation, and all were within the expiration date. Of the 3 samples evaluated, 2 were non-standard for total mesophylls, with counts ranging from 9.3 x 10 ± 5.5 x 10 to 1.7 x 10³ ± 1.9 x 10³ CFU/mL. For molds and yeasts 100% of the samples that were out of the legislation, with counts ranging from 2 x 10 to 2 x 10² CFU/mL. It was also possible to verify the presence of S. aureus and E. coli in one of the samples and the total absence of Salmonella in the analyzed syrups, which would make its use unfeasible.
Conclusions: Because it is an industrialized product rich in phytotherapeutic substances, errors in handling cause changes in its therapeutic efficacy, in addition to the risk to the consumer. These products must be handled carefully, with inputs of controlled origin, avoiding conditions favorable to the development of pathogenic microorganisms.