Puran Bridgemohan
1*, Aphzal Mohammed
2, Ronell S. H. Bridgemohan
31 Faculty of Biosciences, Agriculture and Food Technology, University of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad
2 Faculty of Biosciences, Agriculture and Food Technology, University of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad
3 Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, Georgia, United States
The use of Annona muricata (graviola) as a tea decoction for the treatment of cancer and as broad
spectrum antimicrobial, as an anti-internal parasite treatment and for lowering blood pressure
has continued to increase. This study evaluated extracts of the leaf, fruit, seed, bark and roots of
two types of fruit, which have high fibre, or fibreless fruit and are cultivated locally. The alcohol
extracts of the different plant parts were analyzed by LC-MS to determine the phyto-chemical
and cytotoxic (anti-tumor) properties and to classify them into the group of active annonaceous
acetogenins. The samples were subjected to 3 [MS –ve, +ve mode, and UV] chromatograms. The
results indicated the presence of confirmed acetogenins — Annomutacin or cis-Annomontacin
[10.26 with MW about 625], and the cyclic peptide called annomuricatin [MW 11.05] — in
the seeds. The leaf contained the similar compounds as the seed with a few other things at MW
300. The UV spectrum identified two phenolic chromphores, and several flavonoid type compounds.
Basically, there were more flavonoid type compounds in the leaf extracts and fewer, if
any, acetogenins. Based on the molecular weight, there are new compounds, which are found
in the root and bark samples. Acetogenins are of great interest due to their cytotoxic properties
(anti-cancer) and their toxicity to insects.
Keywords: Graviola, Acetogenins, Annomutacin, cis-Annomontacin, LC-MS